Through a shared vision of a more connected distribution system, Thayer and manufacturers increase the overall supply of products while reducing procurement and carrying costs to the distributor.
Barriers that prevent wholesalers from buying your products such as minimum order amounts, forecasting errors, space limitations and cash flow are eliminated. Wholesalers buy what they need in a just-in-time model that improves availability and freshness of product.
Through the Thayer model, manufacturers increase profitability by reducing the number of high-cost accounts they service. Rather than fulfilling numerous smaller orders that have large processing and transaction costs, manufacturers can ship Thayer one large order. This greatly reduces order processing and transportation costs.
Thayer assumes the accounts receivable risk, shifting it away from the manufacturer. Thayer offers numerous payment methods to the manufacturer that can completely eliminate accounts receivable risks.
By stocking a large, consolidated inventory, Thayer absorbs the ups and downs of inventory fluctuations that occur in the marketplace. This results in reduced out of stocks at the retail level, fresher product, and better flow of goods in the marketplace.